1:1 Session's
1:1 Session's
Goddess Energy

1:1 Session's

Regular price $150.00 $0.00 Unit price per

 This is your chance to work with me one on one if you own your own business or if you’re just wanting to go deeper with your own self development and self healing. This can be tailored to each individual's needs and wants.

* If you would like to learn how to read oracle cards as a beginner or on a deeper level.

*Muscle Testing

*Connecting to spirit animals 

*How to muscle test trapped emotions and to release them

*How you can use different sounds rattles, drumming etc to help assist in healing and removing blocks.

*Shadow Work

*How to muscle test with Bush Flower Essences

*Muscle test herbs

*Strengthen your intuition


*Tips and ways to connect to your guides 

*How to protect your energy with tips and tools I personally practice.

This will be your chance to pick my brain and ask all your questions

Recommendations on books, oracle cards, different tools I use for my sessions These sessions are 1.5 hrs depending on what you are wanting to learn, you may need a few sessions which I can do for 3 sessions for $400 these can be in person or via distance.