Fibonnaci Homochord Single Remedies
Goddess Energy

Fibonnaci Homochord Single Remedies

Regular price $18.99 $0.00 Unit price per

Bundle of 3 $50.00 use code BUNDLE3

Bundle of 6 $90.00 use code BUNDLE6

Our single remedies are made in the Fibonnaci Homochord potency scale of 3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 and 233 unless stated otherwise.

All single remedies come in 15ml, dropper bottles with 250 drops 100 doses

Perfect to create your own first aid kit. 

Aconite, Useful for the first stage of the acute inflammatory process, such as symptoms of fever, croup, colds, influenza, earache, vomiting, diarrhea

Allium Cepa, Indications: Cases  of  hay-fever  and  colds  with  profuse  clear  nasal  discharge  and  frequent sneezing.  Consider  the  sensation  of  cutting  up  onions  in  this  symptom  picture.  This remedy may need to be repeated often. Allergic type reactions that may also come on after exposure to damp wet conditions, especially getting the feet wet.

 Apis, Bites and stings such as  bee  stings  with  redness, heat  and  swelling.  Also good for hives, nettle rash,  allergic eruptions  and  even  for  sore  throats  and  cystitis  with  classic stinging pains and sensation of swelling

Arnica, An  excellent  remedy  for  accidents  and  injuries  with  bruising  and shock,  or  simply  for  feeling  ‘as  if  bruised  and  beaten’.  We  can  use  this  remedy during  childbirth  and  for  all  surgical  and  dental  procedures  to  promote  rapid repair and healing. Taken 4 hourly during air travel Arnica reduces jet lag.

Arsenicum Album, For symptoms  such  as  food  poisoning  with  vomiting,  diarrhea  and stomach  cramps  with  burning  pains  and  restless  anxiety.  In colds when  feeling weak  and  chilly  with  runny  nose,  cough  and  wheezing.  Symptoms ‘as  if  poisoned ‘and  feels  they  will  die.  Can be  upset  by  watery  fruit,  changes  in  diet  and environment

Bellis Perennis, This remedy is useful when bruising and trauma occur to deep internal tissues after surgery involving the abdomen, breasts, or trunk—especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness has developed in the area.

Bellandonna, Like Aconite it suits the first stage  of  the  inflammatory  process, particularly  in  small  children. Conditions such as earache, colds, flu, fever, sore throat, headache, toothache, mastitis etc which come on suddenly with intense, throbbing pain, cramping, bright redness and heat of the face or affected part.

 Bryonia, May help with: Hard, dry cough with pain under the sternum aggravated by coughing and any movement. Also helpful for headaches, colicky abdominal pains or rheumatic joint pains which are worse from movement. Can be peevish and dislike being carried. Even when ill tends to think, worry and even dream about his responsibilities

Carbo Veg, This remedy relieves bloating and gas in the stomach, with belching.

Cantharis, For cystitis and painful urination with burning, scalding and great urgency. Also, for sore burning throats, indigestion, stinging cold sores. Burning thirst but aversion to drinks. Burns, scalds and sunburn with violent  burning and rapid blistering.

Chamomilla, Teething, colic, colds, fevers, earaches etc. One cheek red and one pale. Hot sweat on the head. The patient is sensitive, peevish and can’t be pleased. Excessive irritability. Restless, thirsty, cranky and sensitive to pain. Menstrual pain which is excessive with cold shivers, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Coffea Cruda, is often indicated for individuals who experience heightened mental and physical activity, restlessness, and overexcitement. They may have a tendency to be sensitive, reactive and experience a racing mind. Coffea individuals often have difficulty in calming down and find it challenging to relax.

Caulophyllum, is used to induce labor

Cocculus, Car sickness and travel sickness. Jet lag. Morning sickness. Empty, hollow feeling with nausea and aversion to food. Ailments from physical and emotional stress. Sad, depressed and oversensitive to external impressions.

Colocynthis, Abdominal pain, violent and spasmodic. Pains come in waves. Better for hard pressure and bending double. The pains can be digestive, uterine or renal and may cause vomiting. Vertigo and fainting with the pains. Extremely irritable and impatient when in pain, wants to be left alone.

Ferrum Phos, use in the early stages of illness for feverish complains and when generally ‘off colour’. Good for fever, earache and nose bleeds, on its  own  or  with  Aconite  or Belladonna.

Gelsemium, Classic flu with aches and pains.  Droopy, drowsy and feeling of heaviness. Ailments may come on after bad  news  or  a  sudden  fright. Good for fear, stage fright and nervous anxiety – anticipates even the simplest tasks with nervousness and worry. May need frequent repetition prior to an event.

Hepar Sulph, Infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Boils, splinters, acne, styles, right sided sore throats with ‘splinter like’ pains. Cold sore, herpes, eczema with suppuration. Rough,

Hypericum, Injury involving areas rich in nerves. Jammed fingers, puncture wounds, splinters, bites and stings with long shooting pains. Invaluable after surgery including dental treatment as it promotes healing and helps prevent infection in wounds, scratches and cuts. 

Think of this remedy for allergic responses such as dryness of the mucous membranes, dryness of the mouth with possible loss of taste, or painful dryness and constrictive sensations of the nose and nostrils. Histaminum can also be effective in the treatment of annual hay fever, with sneezing, obstruction of the nose and profuse coryza.

Ignatia, Emotional upsets, shock, grief, hysteria, emotional and mental strain. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Homesickness. Sighing and trembling with changeable moods and disturbed sleeping and eating patterns. Empty feeling in the stomach not relieved by eating. Headache from crying too much.

Ipecac, Persistent nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness, travel sickness, gastric upset, asthma or a spasmodic cough with nausea and vomiting. Haemorrhages especially with nausea. Sensitive to noise, chilly, irritable and averse to food. Physical symptoms may come on after punishment, embarrassment or suppressed anger.

Ledum, Bites, stings and puncture wounds where the skin looks swollen, pale and mottled and the pain is local. Ledum follows Arnica well when bruises have turned black, for black eyes and sprains as it helps to cleanse the blood and restore tissues.

Merc Sol, Mouth ulcers worse at every change  in  the  weather. Gums spongy and bleed easily.  Septic sore throat with excessive saliva and foul breath. Chronic ear problems, glandular swellings and abscesses that won’t resolve. Diarrhoea preceded by chilliness. Offensive night sweats and generally worse at night.

Mag Phos, is commonly used for painful conditions associated with sudden onset, such a menstrual cramps, muscle cramps in general or colic. It is also employed for spasmodic and neurological earaches and headaches. Magnesia phosphorica can be beneficial for symptoms related to exposure to cold, wind or excessive exercise.

Nux Vomica, Symptoms due to over-indulgence, overwork and sedentary habits.  Ill effects of night watching, shift work, travel, and at times when the body clock is upset. Insomnia from 3-5am with thoughts of business then wakes cross and irritable. Stressed, critical and over-sensitive. Hangover remedy for excesses of food, alcohol, coffee, drugs and mental stimulation. Stuffy colds and hay fever, nose drips during the day. Bloated and flatulent.

 Pulsatilla, Eye symptoms including styes, conjunctivitis, sticky eyelids. Thick, bland, yellow – green mucous associated with colds, congestive coughs, earaches and sinusitis. Clingy, weepy, moody and desires company, consolation and fresh air. Tummy aches from rich, fatty foods, pork and ice cream.

Rhus Tox, primarily joint and skin symptoms. Pain and stiffness of bone, connective tissue, joints or tendons from over-exertion. Achy flu symptoms and joint pain from getting wet while perspiring. Restless, pain on beginning to move then much better from movement. Shingles, chicken pox and cold  sores  with blisters.

Sepia, Menstrual symptoms with irregularity, dragging down pains and heaviness. Hot flushes and headaches at menopause. Emotionally worn down, depressed, irritable and indifferent to family.  Despite the indifference may feel sad and fearful of being alone. Averse to consolation. Strangely feels much better from vigorous exercise or dancing. Chilly but sweats easily. Morning sickness, worse at the sight or smell of food.

Staphysagria, may be beneficial for ill effects of anger and humiliation. Recurrent cystitis  -  bladder infections,  UTI's, ailments in the genitourinary system. 

Silica, is commonly used for conditions associated with weakened immune function, such as recurrent infections, colds and chronic suppurations. It is also employed for ailments related to skin conditions, dental problems and brittle nails. Silicea can be beneficial for symptoms characterised by pus formation, slow healing, sensitivity to cold and a tendency to catch cold easily

Thuja Warty growths. Tinea. Fungal infections. Weak, distorted nails.  Stomach ache from onions,  as  if  something  alive  in  the stomach

Urtica Urens, is commonly used for conditions associated with rashes, burns, scalds and inflammations of the urinary tract mucous membranes. It is employed for urinary tract infections, kidney disorders and cystitis. Urtica urens can be beneficial for symptoms characterised by severe burning pain, swelling and rawness caused by allergic reactions.

The bottle is labelled with dosing instructions, storage and ingredients for you to have on hand. 

How to dose:
With the dropper lids they are ideal for on-the-go. Like all of our remedies - you can simply take 2 drops directly under the tongue or pop the drops into your water, shake and sip as required throughout the day. Best dosed in a clean mouth, away from food and drink by approx. 15 minutes, this is ideal. 

To make the products last for longer, of course sipping in water will go further so it is up to you. Both are effective!

Store in a cool dark place out of reach of children and away from electronic devices where possible.
Out of direct sunlight and heat is ideal for long term storage. 

Before use:
If pregnant or breastfeeding, please seek individual Homeopathic or medical advice before use. We are unable to consult on whether this remedy is right for you via email. If symptoms persist, please seek medical advice from a Homeopath or medical professional. 

Inactive ingredients: Brandy and distilled water